Use Technical indicators to create If/Then control flow logic.
Create strategies like portfolio rebalancing, pairs trading, buying the dip, and more
Allocate assets evenly, by percentage, or by inverse volatility
ChatGPT-3.5-turbo integration
Use a custom fine-tuned version of OpenAI's ChatGPT to transcribe your algorithim ideas
ChatGPT can suggest entire balanced portfolio recommendations and various types of trading strategies with a text prompt. check out our medium post on how this was done!
Visualize allocations and performance, compare against selected benchmarks. Is it fast? Its pretty fast.
AlgoVue uses the industry standard and as a datasource
Your strategies stay on your computer, never uploaded to the cloud.
No-Code Visual Editor
Write complex nested logic using a drag and drop inline editor. Search thousands of securities, ETFs, or crypto
Export your algorithm as python or TradingView Pine Script
AlgoVue is built using Flutter for a beautiful desktop app experience
Visualize Control flow
Hovering over a date highlights nested If/Else logic for an explanation of changing conditions

OMG this tool is so amazing!
Start experimenting with your ideas, or browse dozens of strategies created by our experts.